A Matter of Time
Interaction, Sculpture, Installation, Motion
A Matter of Time explores how still life forms connote time. The selected five still life objects: apple, rose, candle, a glass of water, and stone, experience time differently and so serve as irregular time recorders. These irregular time recorders are documented through a time lapse video coupled with 3D print object interaction which creates a unique time passing experience for the audience. This project conveys the concept that time is subjective and relative. The counting of time doesn’t represent time. The feeling of time exists in our minds.

These still life objects were 3D scanned and 3D printed out to record the initial point when they were settled on the table before the time lapse photo shoot started.

The installation featured an interactive sculpture paired with a projected screen on the wall. To experience the passage of time from the object's perspective, the audience needed to continuously touch the sculpture. If they stopped, the interface would reset to the starting point. Each time they touched the object, the time-lapse sequence would begin again from the start.

The audiences are invited to be part of the installation with a shorter lifespan than stone, longer lifespan than other four objects. They are considered to be the sixth matter.
The video was edited to show the information of each object. The slow and gradually increasing sound of the object is part of the time passing narrative.
Stone is an exception. Because stone won’t change in a short period of time. It is a reference to other objects. When touching the stone, stone remains the same. But all the other four objects show the change.

The objects were covered with a layer of conductive paint to realize the interaction touch response, and another layer of glossy white paint on top to make the material look similar to the table on screen.

All the objects were designed in 3D software to conceal the electrical wiring connected to them.

In this project, I learned a lot about electronic components, soldering, etc.

The touch reactions were controlled by touch sensor and Arduino board.
Although the time to implement our own thesis project was very limited. I still conducted the interactive installation in our classroom with the projector we used for class.

Still life is a form without time. It always connects with words like still, dead. In French still life is called “nature morte,” which literally means dead nature. For my project I tried to explore a new way to narrate time with this traditional static form. And with new technology I made a 3D still life project belong to this era.